Does Invisalign Hurt?

Invisalign is one of the most popular choices for tooth realignment for adults. Used as an alternative to metal braces, Invisalign has quickly grown to become a household name. As of 2018, more than five million patients had already received these clear dental trays. However, as with most dental procedures, one of the major concerns of Invisalign is that it could cause pain. So does Invisalign hurt? This is one of the main questions patients have when their dentist recommends tooth realignment and straightening. So is Invisalign painful? Here’s everything you need to know.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment designed to serve as an alternative to old-fashioned metal braces that helps you achieve your best smile. Any patient with a mild to moderate misalignment is eligible for Invisalign. This treatment is also effective for curing overbites, underbites, and crossbites. Clear plastic aligner trays realign the teeth and are practically invisible to the human eye. Patients who wear Invisalign will typically wear the trays for a minimum of 20 hours per day. With no brackets or wires, patients can brush and floss as normal.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

The treatment itself is painless. Like with traditional braces, Invisalign teeth pain is an issue you will have to contend with. Remember, the aligners are exhibiting pressure upon your teeth; therefore, Invisalign soreness is not uncommon. So naturally, it will take time to adjust to clear aligners, but how long does Invisalign hurt on average?

In a 2005 study, 83% of patients reported Invisalign tooth sensitivity all but disappearing within one week of being fitted with clear aligners for the first time. With regards to the amount of pain, this varied by individual. The vast majority of people experienced no more than mild pain, with significant amounts of patients reporting no pain at all while wearing them. However, even patients without pain reported that Invisalign hurts to take off during the initial days and weeks of clear aligners. Take note: pain in a single tooth is not a sign of a problem. It indicates that your aligner tray is working as intended by realigning your teeth.

How to Deal with Invisalign Hurt and Discomfort

If you are someone who does experience Invisalign pain, there are actions you can take to reduce the discomfort. Here are some home care tips for overcoming the difficulties associated with Invisalign pain.

Ice Your Mouth and Jaw

Like any form of muscle or joint pain, an easy option for Invisalign pain relief is to apply ice. You can do this in several ways, including:

  • Apply an ice-cold compress to the side of your face

  • Suck on ice cubes

  • Drink ice-cold water

If you notice that your Invisalign pain spikes at certain times of the day, ice can help you to overcome the discomfort.

Use Over-the-Counter Painkillers

Another option for dealing with any pain you may be experiencing is to purchase over-the-counter painkillers. Analgesics like ibuprofen and aspirin are extremely effective at providing relief from pain. If you intend to take painkillers regularly and are already taking medication for unrelated medical conditions, make sure you consult your doctor first.

Avoid Eating Hard Foods

Hard foods could be problematic due to Invisalign tooth sensitivity. Remember, the point of clear plastic aligners is to pressure your teeth to gradually force them into correct alignment. This is essentially a minor trauma, and so your teeth may develop a sensitivity. For at least the first week or two of wearing your aligner trays, try to avoid hard foods, such as nuts and hard candies.

Test Out Dental Wax

In the event your pain is originating in your gums, this is a sign that your clear aligners are irritating the gumline. Before booking an appointment with your dentist, test out using dental wax. Grab some dental wax and apply a small amount to the tops of your aligners. The top edges tend to be rough and are more likely to cause gum irritation. Lubricate the edges and reduce the amount of friction against your gums. This treatment option could provide you with the relief you need.

Never Remove Your Trays

Aligners are designed to be worn for between 20 and 22 hours per day. Never resort to removing your trays when the pain becomes too uncomfortable to handle. Removing your trays could reduce your pain tolerance when you receive your next tray from your dentist. While it may provide temporary relief, it could worsen your discomfort in the long term.

How Your Dentist Can Help With Invisalign Pain

When asking, “Does Invisalign hurt?” a certain amount of discomfort is perfectly normal. Certain signs should indicate an immediate trip to your dentist, however, including:

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold

  • Bleeding gums/teeth

  • Pain when eating

  • Facial swelling

  • Home Invisalign pain relief fails to alleviate the problem

In most cases, if your trays continue to cause pain after 7-10 days, you should consult your dentist. The aligners may need to be readjusted. For example, the tops of the aligners may be irritating your gums. Your dentist will be able to file the top edges to reduce irritation. Since you will be switching trays every two weeks or so, you should prepare yourself for some Invisalign pain with each new change. Your dentist may decide to adjust your trays for a more comfortable fit if your discomfort is getting in the way of your day. Finally, you should call your dentist immediately if your pain gets worse after the initial few days of wearing your new Invisalign trays.


Invisalign is a revolutionary brand that has helped millions of people to get the perfect smile without the arduous maintenance of braces. If you’re nervous about experiencing pain from Invisalign trays, note that most will experience no more than mild discomfort for a few days after receiving their new trays. Generally speaking, the mild discomfort is a small price to pay for the confidence provided by a dazzling smile. To find out more about how Invisalign can help you reclaim your smile, book an appointment with Gentry Dentistry and get your bespoke smile makeover today.

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Eric Hikade